This contact page will be added to and updated periodically. Feel free to get in touch if you have questions...
Emily Brown
Home: 718-832-2310
Fax: 718-832-2310
Cathy Cammallere
General Mission Statement
Our primary goal is to help make communications easier for the residents of 12th Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn ?– and possibly beyond, as time goes by. We should be able to share community concerns freely on this website, communicate with our neighbors, share resources, post upcoming events of community interest, and find helpful information through local government and civic resources.
Our neighborhood is going through a series of rapid changes now as gentrification spreads to this part of Park Slope. Some of the changes are positive, some are potentially negative and cause for concern. Hopefully, by sharing resources, we can navigate the changes more smoothly and preserve the best of our area and maintain the integrity that makes our community special.
This Mission Statement can be revised to include more goals at any time, and YOUR suggestions will be given serious consideration.
To join or read the Google Group archives, go to
Anyone can join; only members can post messages. Messages can be posted via email to
It's only lightly moderated; we want to encourage free discussion, but NO FLAMING! Postings that use offensive language or are intentionally disrespectful to any individual or group will be removed and the person posting the message will receive a warning; if they continue posting offensive messages, they will be banned from the group.
Replies are sent to the whole group.
If you have information you'd like to have posted to this website - for instance, contact information for local officials or other resources that would be helpful to the Block Association, send it to the webmaster at and I'll get it posted as soon as possible, either in the hotlinks section or additional pages. Check the bar on the left for these categories.