18400 Griggs Neigh BC

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Lauder Street in Detroit

around the greenfield and Lauder street, is it bad in that area? is that considered indian village? if not what is it considered? Thnaks for any info you can provide more
Started: November 11th 2014Replies: 1

2014 Roll and Stroll

The Twelfth Street Food Pantry is presenting the 2014 Roll and Stroll at Palmer Park, September 27, 2014.  Go to our website:  www.twelfthstreetfoodpantry.org for more information. more
Started: July 23rd 2014Replies: 0

Tim Greenhoot is a good citizen!

Tim, I received your hand-written letter suggesting we set up a carpooling club for Brightmoor Homes, we can certainly do that for you for free.  Please send me an e-mail so I can help you get... more
Started: June 13th 2014Replies: 0

18400 Griggs Neigh BC Real Estate and Home Values

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What is Foreclosure?
Foreclosurethumb In order to purchase your house you probably had to borrow money from lending institution (bank, mortgage company, etc). When you signed the load documents you agreed that in the event you cannot make your...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Why You Need a Personal Health Record
Medicalrecordsm Storing and tracking your medical records online can help save you time, money and possible health complications by taking an active role in monitoring your health. Pop quiz: Name the medications prescribed...
How to Tame the Unruly Meeting
Tameunrulymeetingthumb Board members and managers alike can all recall meetings that left them with churning stomachs and scratching their heads afterwards, wondering how in the world things could have gotten so out of control. The...
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