21st Century Community Developers Club

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Project start date is August 9, 2007.

The mission of The Foster Youth Employment Project is as follows: Create meaningful permanent employment to enable foster youths, between the ages of 18-21, to become self-sufficient.

National statistics show that about 20,000 of these young adults leave the foster care system each year. Most of them are physically and mentally capable of working. However they end up on the streets or in homeless shelters because they lack income and/or job skills to become self-sufficient.

These are our children and they desperately need our help.

We already have what it takes to solve this problem. All we need is a national strategy and the necessary methods, tools and technique to mobile ourselves to take action.

The Foster Youth Employment Project contains all these elements. All we need is your participation.

Our initial short-term goal is to donate special revenue generating resources to foster care agencies with Independent Living Programs.

See next section below titled: The Fundraising Resources.

These resources will be used to provide additional operating revenue for the agency and employment for young adults in the independent living program.

The goal is to enable them to transition to full-time permanent employment (either self-employment or a position with a local employer).

Will you make the commitment to help by joining our team?

We look forward to your participation.

Joshua M. Frasier, Founder/CEO 21CCD



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