Our ministries deals with the pain associated with the lack of management of money.Spiritual Conusel is available.John 8:32 is what we govern our actions. In truth, 11 Timothy 2:15 instructs us to means to research all the Fact about a thing to better our lives, indivually and collectively as a whole. We invite your questions and concerns. In our newsletter we shall address the social ills of today. As the love of money is the root of all evil. Therefore we must have understanding. Founder and Pastor Dr.Sarah Clayborne discovered by life experience the effects of the 3Ms...Having herself lost money and experiencing the heartache of which misery it brings forth and the malice of others happy at one's demise.
We Fall Down , but we must get up. We live in an society the the middle class have to where to turn for assistence. Forcing many to illegal activities in order to survive. Many dreams are lost, most turn to sex and drugs. Many souls are lost and confused not knowing where to turn for help. This ministry was given to Dr.Clayborne in a vision of empowerment to the middle classes. The ones to which there is no help available. We shall hold a workshops and consuling services. For all those who have a need or a those we feel called to support this ministry. We are non demonational.We follow the golden rule Do Unto Others as you would Others Do Unto You in Same and Similar Circumstances. We invite your imput and support.
Women who LOVE TOO MUCH...
Dr.Clayborne welcome all who are interested in a workshop to write. Workshops will be held in Memphis and Jackson.
Begining in June.
If you find you are always attracting the wrong type of men. Always in a abusive relationship. Always being hurt and alone. Then this is the workshop you have been looking for. Email Dr.Clayborne ToDAY...
Quick and Easy meals in minutes
You will need a large black cast iron skillet or a large baking pan
Set oven at 450
melt 3/4 stick of margarine
in skillet or pan
one whole fryer cut in 8 pcs
or 8-10 drumsticks or 4 large breast.
curry powder
onion powder
seasoning salt optional
or your choice of seasonings
in a bowl add one half cup of self rise flour
add some seasoning to this
add slowly one half cup of water add more if necessary to get a smooth but not to runny batter. Wash chicken and soak for ten minutes in water and salt and two caps of vineagar to pull out all the blood in the chicken. Rinse and season with the spices. put 3/4 flour in a bag add addtional spices dip and shake,place each piece of chicken in the skillet or pan making sure each piece is coated with the maragrine. Put in oven and bake for 15-20 mins until start to brown at which point turn the oven down to 350 and bake for an additional 15-20 mins until done... write us and let us know what you think