Joan Gordon
1446 Conneaut Ave.
Bowling Green OH 43402
Home: 352-8175
Office: 354-6648
Fax: 354-5435
The purpose of the Bowling Green Branch of AAUW is to unite the alumnae of colleges and universities for practical education work; to concentrate and increase their effectiveness in the community for the solution of social and civic problems; to participate in the development and promotion of the policies and programs of the AAUW; to contribute to its growth and advancement and to cooperate in its division and regional work.
AAUW promotes equity for women and girls, lifelong education, and positive societal change.
The Bowling Green Branch has 50 members who meet monthly for programs related to the organization's goals and objectives. The local Branch sponsors a scholarship for a non-traditional student and a scholarship for a junior high school student at a science camp. Interest groups and awards to outstanding women are important traditions.
The Bowling Green Branch was awarded Seven-Star Recognition for its achievements in 2001, including the categories of Community Action, Public Policy, Social Justice, Fundraising, and Visibility.