Mr. Post Member - You Are Welcome
4610 Shelbyville Road
Zachary Taylor POst # 180
Louisville KY 40207
Mrs. Post Member Families Are Welcome Also
For nearly every man and woman that has gone to war, who endured the danger and hardships of camp, shore and battlefront, there was a woman serving at home to help make possible American's victory - a wife, mother, sister, daughter or granddaughter.
The war was won, and the men and women of the armed forces banded together in the American Legion to carry forward their services to the country in peace time. It was only natural that the women of their families should desire to continue to serve with them. The result was the American Legion Auxiliary, the largest and most influential women's organization of it's kind in the world today.
The establishment of an Auxiliary to The American Legion was provided for by the first National Convention of the American Legion in 1919. The first National Convention of the Auxiliary was held in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1921. At that time the name ''American Legion Auxiliary'' was adopted and the first national officers elected.
After the women of World War II families became eligible, the enrollment rose rapidly to a record of 1,001,545 in 1955, and since has remained well above the 9000,000 mark. The number of local Units of the Auxiliary is approximately 10,500. The Auxiliary's National Headquarters is located in Indianapolis, Indiana
The American Legion Auxiliary has one great purpose - ''to contribute to the accomplishment of the aim and purpose of the American Legion.'' Except for the addition of those words, the Preamble to its National Constitution is nearly the same as that of The American Legion. It's activities are designed to enhance the American Legion's programs.
All women who are eligible for membership in the Auxiliary fall into one of the following catagories:
(1) The mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, granddaughters, great - granddaughters and grandmothers of members of The American Legion.
(2) The mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, granddaughters, great - granddaughters and grandmothers of those who served in the Armed Forces of the United States during any of the eligible periods listed below and who dies in the line of duty during such service, or who, having received an Honorable Discharge, died after such service.
(3) The mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, granddaughters, great - granddaughters and grandmothers of those who were citizens of the United States and who served during any of the eligible periods listed below in the Armed Forces of any of the governments who were allies of the United States and who dies in the line of duty during such service, or who, having received an Honorable Discharge, died after such service.
(4) Women veterans who are eligible for membership in The American Legion, in their own right, may also be a member of the Auxiliary.