Call an officer of the Auxiliary if you think it's time to renew your membership. January is a great time to get this done. New Access Cards will be issed only to those in "Good Standing". Don't get left out in the cold, knocking on the door. We want you to be able to let yourself in. Join for more than one year at a time. It's never too late to think about Life Time Membership.
Renew your membership in January and attend the Winter Conference Jan 2003, in good standing and ready to have a good time! See You There.
Occasionally there comes a time when a member must move away. Let us know your destination, and we'll make contact with the Post nearest you. Life in the Auxiliary does not end at the county or state line. We've served our families and country. We also serve our community, no matter where that may be. Zachary Taylor Post will miss you.