American Village Neighborhood Watch

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Howdy:    I grew up in the area in the early sixtes and when I was a teenager I used to be among  the Riverside Armory regulars who would shake n' stomp to Dick Dale' & His... more
Started: November 30th 2018Replies: 0

make yourself count!

just recently i learned that the city of riverside lost a total of 70 million dollars, thats right 70 big ones folks. all because everyone did not get counted. i want to encourage eveyone to fill out... more
Started: March 7th 2000Replies: 1

Before Sept. 16th

I need nominations for the Good neighbor award and Riverside Neighborhood Pride Awards. More information under ''next meeting'' on home page. more
Started: August 20th 2002Replies: 0

American Village Neighborhood Watch Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA Home for Sale - How to Buy a HUD Home
Familyhome120 Almost anyone can buy a FHA foreclosed home, offered by HUD, and usually get a good bargain. What Is a HUD Home? Let's say someone has bought a residential home with a Federal Housing Administration (FHA)...
Tags: HUD HomeMortgageHomeowner

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Selling Your Home? Be Sure To Disclose...
Homesm By law you must disclose certain problems with your home when selling. If you are selling your home, be prepared to tell all about its defects, issues and past. Most states require the home seller to disclose ...
How Do You Communicate?
Howdoyoucommunicatethumb During our busy days and evenings, we try to fill the hours with as much as possible to sustain our business and personal lives. Our companies have provided us with tools to produce reports, statements,...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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