Our neighbors are families who have discriminating taste when it comes to their homes.They are people who want a unique style house and take pride in the appearance of their property.
These 1950's and 60's houses are not state-of the art from the standpoint of current construction techniques; however; their distinctive style and their faithfulness to the Frank Lloyd Wright design concepts make them timeless in the American continuum of architecture.
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The neighborhood group was an outgrowth of the Littleton Neighbor-to-Neighbor program in 2002.
Arapaho Hills Neighbors, a loose-knit group, was formed to provide better security; provide neighbors with a clearinghouse for items of interest; develop a history of the subdivision; and make it easier to contact the many community agencies in the local area.
Clyde Mannon, the developer of Arapaho Hills, got his major start in the south Denver suburbs when he joined developer Edward Hawkins in 1949 as Hawkins commenced the development of property in Englewood, which would be called Arapahoe Acres. Mannon had previously worked with Hawkins as his shop foreman.
Soon Mannon, a Golden native, became Hawkins' partner in General Investments Company and Hawkins Associates, both corporations formed to finance and build Arapahoe Acres.
Altogether Hawkins was sole designer of approximately 70 of the 125 homes in Arapahoe Acres. Architect Eugene Sternberg plans accounted for twenty homes; and Clyde Mannon served as contractor for most, if not all, of the houses built by Hawkins.
By 1957, the subdivision was built out. As Arapahoe Acres was nearing completion in 1955, Hawkins purchased land near Bowles and Belleview, west of South Lowell, for the development of a new project, Arapaho Hills. His longtime business partner, now working under the name Mannon Associates, assumed the projects after the completion of only three or four houses.
A young architect named Jerry Dion, who was a 10th Mountain veteran, assisted Hawkins and Mannon in the Arapaho Hills project, performing site development. Mannon had hired Bruce Sutherland to do the designs for Arapaho Hills. Sutherland had previously worked with architect Charles Gordon Lee, who trained under Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin West. Assisting Sutherland was a young Denver University architectural student named John Eatwell, who to this day remains a practicing architect in Denver.
The subdivision plat for Arapaho Hills was filed with Arapahoe County in May, 1955. By 1957 there were houses on South Lowell, Manitou, Mohawk and Chimayo. The last Mannon homes were built in 1964 along Manitou Road. In all, 57 homes were built during the Clyde Mannon era.
Sources: "Arapahoe Acres, An Architectural History 1949-1957" by Diane Wray
Arapahoe County records
John Eatwell, architect
Littleton Government
Arapahoe County Government
Littleton School District
South Suburban Parks & Recreation District
Colorado State Government