Asheford Crossing

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Asheford Crossing






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missing pet

Started: January 8th 2013Replies: 0

Missing Dog

Our chihuahua went missing tonight 8/20/12. She is a long hair black chihuahua with a white stomach with some brown around her eyes and in her paws. If you see her or know where we can find her please... more
Started: August 20th 2012Replies: 1

Asheford Crossing Social Networking getting a...

Neighbors, the HOA Board is busy at work updating all information.  As many of you may already be aware, our facebook page is active and busy again.  We have lots of activities and events... more
Started: August 17th 2012Replies: 0

Asheford Crossing Real Estate and Home Values

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What is Foreclosure?
Foreclosurethumb In order to purchase your house you probably had to borrow money from lending institution (bank, mortgage company, etc). When you signed the load documents you agreed that in the event you cannot make your...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Prepare Your Family For An Emergency...
Clipboardsm Learn what steps you can take to prepare yourself, your family and your home for an emergency situation. If a natural or manmade disaster hit your neighborhood, will your home be ready? How about your family? ...
Public Relations: What Can Your Association Do?
Communications_th Want to improve the Association's image or get your message out in the community? Is your Board of Directors ready and prepared? A carefully planned public relations program gives the board the ability to...
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