Aurora Oaks, Hyman, Kabel, Civic Organization

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Does anyone know the history of Cabrini Park in...

Were the houses surrounding the park built to face a park or were there original buildings on the site of Cabrini Park that were later torn down?  Was it always a park or used as... more
Started: February 1st 2013Replies: 0


Isn't this a great site. Think of the potential of this to impower homeowners. Anyone in Regency Park will be able to post messages on the bullentin board from "help me find my cat" to neighborhood... more
Started: July 16th 1999Replies: 1

S&WB -temporary pumps

Olive Street has one of these "Temporary" pumps No mention of this issue at the back patting of the ‘State of our streets' @ Gallier Hall the same... more
Started: May 15th 2009Replies: 0

Aurora Oaks, Hyman, Kabel, Civic Organization Real Estate and Home Values

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Should you refinance your home mortgage?
Housequestionsm Learn about the mortgage refinance process, if you qualify to refinance your home loan, and whether or not refinancing might benefit you. The recession may be over, but most Americans wouldn’t know it....

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Selling Your Home: Find The Right Real Estate Agent
Homesm These five steps will help you find the best realtor to sell your home. Your house is likely your biggest and most important asset. So when it comes time to sell, you want the best real estate agent to help...
Could you be at risk for Legionnaires?
Xray-chest You’ve probably heard of pneumonia before, and there’s a good chance that you may have even suffered from it at one point in your life. But have you heard of it’s bigger, badder relative?...
Tags: HealthAssociation
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