Avalon Neighborhood Association

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Welcome to Avalon Neighborhood Association!

This organization originated in 1997, when David Lipscomb University presented itÕs first master expansion plan for future campus construction, which proposed institutional zoning throughout much of the neighborhood, and which met with strong interest, opposition, and negotiation. The plan was ultimately withdrawn.But the organization has grown over the past few years to include much more.

We participate in a number of regular projects and activities e.g. Neighborhood Beautification cleanups, Neighborhood Night Out Against Crime, the Neighborhood Watch Program, liason with Lipscomb and their architects concerning building and expansion of their facilities, annual Fannie Battle Carolling and holiday decoration contest; additionally we have presentations for the general neighborhood, and basically engage in whatever other activities the members may wish to participate.

We have found that it is a great way to meet more of the people living around us while working to build a closer, cleaner, safer, more desireable neighborhood for our families.

And so, we invite you to join your neighbors in the Avalon Neighborhood Association.

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Avalon Web Page

Hi! Just want to tell you what an attractive web page you have created for the Avalon Neighborhood. Thanks!!! By Lou Puckett more
Started: July 16th 1999Replies: 1

New Avalon Activities

What new activities would you like to see the Avalon Neighborhood Association hold? more
Started: July 14th 1999Replies: 0


Just signed up for Charlotte Park Link... Am I the only one here? Seems like it could be a useful tool for the neighborhood. more
Started: December 3rd 2001Replies: 2

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