Mrs. Jamie Rapavy President
Home: 614-793-2076
Mrs. Amy Grismore Secretary
Home: 614-7324-0249
We are a group of neighborhood families who swap babysitting time with each other based on a point system. This way everyone benefits. We meet once a month to discuss ''business'' and have a play date for the kids so they become familiar with each other.
Open to any family in Shannon Heights/Kilbannon/Kildaire Neighborhoods. Membership can not exceed 20 families. We currently have several openings. Dues are $5.00 per year. Members are given 20 points upon joining and cannot go below 0 or above 40.
This is a great way to meet your neighboors. We do an all family get together (like a cookout) every 6 months. We have had girls night out, going away parties, picnics, and more!