na Timothy Perry
na na 21234
Home: na
Office: na
Fax: na
The Baltimore Ski Club is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and advancement of skiing, ski improvement, competition and social activities.
The BSC offers weekend and week long trips to the East and West Coast, along with European destinations. The club sponsors activities year-round including volleyball, beach trips, rafting, picnics, hiking, biking, tennis, crab feast, etc.
Our monthly meetings are both fun and informative. The Baltimore Ski Club meets on the First Tuesday of each month from September to April at the VFW Hall in Parkville. The hall is located at 8123 Harford Rd. Doors open at 7:30pm and the meeting begins at 8:00pm. Members pay nothing to enter the hall and non-members pay $2.00. This $2.00 is refunded to anyone who joins on the night of their first meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend. Meetings are a good way to find out about skiing, the club and its activities. The evening begins with a short business meeting followed by a program of interest to skiers and
non-skiers alike. Then the evening is yours to sign up for trips, mix and mingle and swap ski yarns.
In the summer ( MAY TO AUGUST) the club holds informal meetings at Padonia Station, a restaurant, located on Padonia Rd just east of York Rd and accessible from the eastbound Padonia Rd exit off Interstae #83. These gatherings begin at 5:30pm. It is a good way to keep in touch with friends during the summer and make new ones. Restaurant offers $2.00 steak with open salad and potato bar until 7:00 pm
For up to date information please visit our website at or click on the above mentioned link.