The purpose of the organization is to promote a harmonious and productive community without regard to ethnic, racial or religious backgrounds. The Association encourages all members and residents to participate in activities which contribute to strengthening the welfare of the community.
In the mid-Sixties, when the area began to become more racially diverse, the Let's Get Acquainted Committee implemented the practice of holding "circle dinners". The Committee recruited equal numbers of new and long-time residents on a monthly basis and held a pot-luck dinner in the homes of the participants. This practice afforded neighbors the opportunity to meet and become better acquainted.
The Association continues to maintain a positive relationship with city officials, the police department, school officials, the State of Michigan, and the federal government. A Civilian Patrol (the name was later changed to Radio Patrol), organized in the early 1970's to assist in deterring crime in the area, is still active today.
The Association has held several annual "Clean-Up/Paint-Up/Fix-Up" campaigns and parades. Held also are Crime Prevention Seminars, Senior Awareness Seminars, and other leisure events which are focused on encouraging residents to maintain their property acceptably. Through team efforts, grants have been awarded for improving the community's physical and human needs. These resources have enabled the Association to provide Business Incentive Grants, playground equipment in area public parks, trees and shrubbery, curb/sidewalk repairs, paved streets, housing improvements, jobs and beautification projects.
Additionally, a permanent meeting site located at 8222 Joy Road and staffed primarily by volunteer members, is in operation three days (M,W,F) a week 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The monthly meetings for Barton-McFarlane Neighborhood Association, and meetings for the BMNA Radio Patrol, Block Clubs, Committees, etc., are also held here when scheduled.
Characteristic of the members of the organization is their volunteering. Through commitment and dedication to the Barton-McFarlane community, the Mackenzie Sector was selected as a model community by Project Pride.
Partnership and collaboration among residents is a long-standing tradition.