Bella Vista Rawls Rd Exchange

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Disclaimer: This web site is in no way connected in any shape or form or part of Bella Vista Association, Inc, which is a registered corporation within the State of Florida.

All information posted here either in discussion pages or other pages within this web site is clearly in the public domain. Please be advised that you can be held legally liable for anything you post in the discussion area. Anything stated as factual must be backed up by some sort of record that you may have to produce if taken to court in a suit by the board of directors.

Please be polite and postive in your discussions and all will be well taken. No one likes negativity. So, if you have a point of contention about someone or something, think about how to write about it in a postive manner and you will get postive results.

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2018 Budget? What budget meeting?

Well, October has come and gone and it is Nov. 1st. We've usually gotten a copy of the proposed budget in our mailbox by now along with a letter giving a date for the next meeting to make it official.... more
Started: November 1st 2017Replies: 0

Did you get the letter about ACH online payment?

I pulled out the letter from the property management company today and decided to see how to sign up for the quarterly auto-pay for the HOA dues. I started to enter the link that the letter instructs... more
Started: December 22nd 2013Replies: 1

Article III, Sec. 1 - 15 Day Meeting Notice, Board...

I don't know why I even care. The hypocrisy  of certain board members is so evident in our neighborhood. How these same people can even show their faces at a meeting is beyond my understanding. A... more
Started: March 26th 2014Replies: 0

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FHA Streamline Refinance
Fha The FHA has had a program involving streamlined refinance options since early 1980s. The programs is designed for less documentation and a speedier approval process. What is the FHA Streamline Refinance...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Medicare Supplement Changes for 2010
Galssm Two new options have been added to Medicare Supplement plans while four have been eliminated. Offerings of some current plans have also changed. Medicare Supplement insurance (also known as Medigap...
10 Ways to Save on Your Cell Phone Bill
Cell Easy and free ways to save money on your cell phone bill. Your smartphone may be getting slimmer, but your cell phone bill is likely expanding. Plan designs, text fees, apps and accessories all add...
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