Beverly Gardens

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It's 2021 and the Pandemic has changed everything since a year ago but everything is getting slowly better in Strada near Main and Chapman. Spring is almost here again and being married since March 24th 2019 is not too bad.


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Limit on # of cars on driveways?

Are there rules to how many cars one can park on their driveway? All homes were built to accommodate 1-3 cars on the driveway, depending on the home style. But, if you take a drive down Paseo El Arco,... more
Started: March 26th 2007Replies: 4

Rumble in Brentwood Park???

Yesterday afternoon 3 Costa Mesa Police patrol cars were seen detaining approximately 14 teen-age boys in Brentwood Park. I'd like to know why they were detained and if the neighborhood should be... more
Started: April 28th 2006Replies: 1

parking permits for our areas

Hi, i was wondering what you people think about parking permits? why I think they would be great because there are neighbors that dont really care about quality life stiyle and turn there garages into... more
Started: September 11th 2006Replies: 4

Beverly Gardens Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA Streamline Refinance
Fha The FHA has had a program involving streamlined refinance options since early 1980s. The programs is designed for less documentation and a speedier approval process. What is the FHA Streamline Refinance...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
How To Communicate An HOA Special Assessment
Moneykeysm Communication is key to receiving support for your community’s special assessment Does your homeowners association community have a capital improvement or unforeseen expense that cannot be covered by...
How To Lend Money To A Family Member...
Handshakesm Lending money to family member can be tricky enough—the last thing you want is trouble with the IRS. Keep your relationship with your family and the IRS intact with these simple steps. With the economy...
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