Bird River Civic Assoc

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Who is the representive of 21224 conkling lombard esther place area in particular have they forgotten? pure filth the trash and RATS is awful somebody need to do something or l will get the news media... more
Started: July 6th 2015Replies: 0


Who is the representive of 21224 conkling lomabard esther place area in particular have they forgotten? pure filth the trash and RATS is awful somebody need to do something or l will get the news... more
Started: July 6th 2015Replies: 0

vehicle abductoin

Good afternoon. I am wondering where I can get information on a vehicle possibly towed away from the neighborhood? I am a current Air Force member and recently returned home from a deployment to one... more
Started: June 3rd 2015Replies: 0

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Obama Mortgage Rescue Plan FAQ
Lifepreservermoneysm Loan modification and loan refinancing are two components that make up the Obama Foreclosure prevention plan. This FAQ will help you determine if qualify and what you need to do. Obama's Making Home...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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The Adoption Home Study Process
Cormany48thumb The laws of every State and the District of Columbia require all prospective adoptive parents (no matter how they intend to adopt) to participate in a home study. This process has three purposes: to educate...
Prevent HOA Board Member Burnout...
Burnoutsm Use these six steps to help prevent burn-out of your HOA board members. Your board is the heart and soul of your homeowners association (HOA). This group of volunteers ensures your property is running...
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