Boudreaux Estates

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Finish Carpenter

Can any of you out there provide a reference for a finish carpenter that is reliable and reasonably priced? I need an assortment of projects completed, such as outfitting a new closet, fireplace... more
Started: November 19th 2007Replies: 0

Neighborhood Playground

In order to save some money and invest in a larger playground, Mr. Bernerd Johnson - Neighborhood Developer, is considering allowing neighborhood members to build the playground themselves. Detailed... more
Started: October 26th 2007Replies: 0

Scardale civic association

I think it is time to dismantle this civic association. They don't get the people that put trash out a day or two after heavy trash comes and it is the same people doing it month after month, mayb... more
Started: January 12th 2008Replies: 7

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How To Buy A Short Sale Property
Shortsalesm You’ll need time and the right temperament to purchase a short sale property, but you could save thousands if you do. It’s no secret that some great real estate deals are out there, thanks to our...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Owner Financing: How To Reduce Your Risk
Homeinhandsm Offering owner financing for the sale of your home can be a scary proposition, but there are ways to reduce your risk. Offering owner financing to a potential buyer of your home can provide you with an...
Who Does �Our� Attorney Represent?
Lawyerthumb An association's legal counsel represents the association, right? While it's true that an association's attorney represents the corporate entity, in practice it's not always that simple. Associations are...
Tags: AssociationLegal
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