Bridgefield Neighborhood

Spring & Fall Community Garage Sales General Information

Apr 23, 2006

Is your garage too full to park your car inside? Have your kids grown and left you with a ton of old but still-good toys and clothes? Do you sell something from your home? Maybe you repair things, make crafts, or have houseplants that will take over if they are not thinned. Or, sometimes you need to clear the clutter just to create a more peaceful place.

Here?’s your invitation to participate:
Who: Everyone in Bridgefield
What: Community Garage Sale
When: Plan ahead so you're organized! We typically have a Neighborhood or Community-wide Garage Sale Event twice a year - in Spring and Fall.
Why: To clean out our garages and yards, turn excess stuff into $$$, and have a little fun while we?’re at it!

Smart Selling Suggestions:
1. Look through your home and inventory things that are just taking up space. This will be your list of things to sell. Then, look a second or third time and you will probably add even more items.
2. Gather small bills and coins so you can make change, and collect bags for your shoppers?’ purchases.
3. Make large or interesting items visible from the curb so folks will stop and not just drive by.
4. Be sure everything you?’re selling is clean?—brush/wipe items and run clothes through the washer.
5. Be ready to plug electrical items in, to show that they work. Better yet, have them plugged in and running.
6. Try not to make people sift through boxes of clothes, but rather lay them out on tables in logical groupings if you can.
7. Plan your pricing. The old adage that ?‘a used item is worth $1 for every $10 it would cost new?’ definitely does not apply to everything. Some sellers just post a sign listing a price for each shirt, pants or sweater, instead of each item priced individually. This may make things easier for you. Even number pricing makes things easier, such as .25 or .50 instead of .39. Also, plan ahead on how you?’ll negotiate ?‘offers?’. Remember to ask yourself if you want to make money or just want to get rid of stuff.
8. Consider having a box of free things for kids that are ?‘one per child?’. This will allow parents to shop longer by making their kids very happy, which is nice.
9. Smile and greet everyone. This sets a friendly, assertive stage for handling lower offers and lets people know you?’re paying attention. Plus, it?’s friendly and polite which is always good.

Participants will be asked to make a voluntary contribution (typically $5) to help defray the costs of ads. Please contact the Site Coordinator to sign up in advance. Any net profit will go to BHA.

Good Luck & Happy Selling!

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