Bridlewood Neighborhood Association

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Welcome To Bridlewood NA - Meeting Changes

                   U R G E N T!!!

Bridlewood Neighborhood will not meet during the summer.

We will meet September 2nd, 2014 at 6:00pm.

Have a wonderful summer!  Cool

Questions:  Eleanor Burks, 205-910-5523








East Pinson Valley Community Recreation Center

3000 Jefferson State Parkway  (Formerly Jefferson State Recreation Center)

Directions:  Eleanor Burks 910-5523

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Public Works - Helpful Hints and Notes

Public Works Stephen Fancher, Director Department of Public Works 205-254-6316 Tree Line (To report down or damaged trees): 205- 788-TREE... more
Started: March 30th 2013Replies: 0

Spectrum service

I have Spectrum cable for tv and over the past 4 or 5 months I've had issues where the screen freezes for a period of time or the picture and sound breaks up.  I plan to call Spectrum about this... more
Started: October 15th, 11:16 AMReplies: 0

Damage of the storms on wednesday night

Can anyone tell me about Pinson and the storm.....I have been out of town and no information from that area on the news and need to find if we had spin off tornados and no one is televising due to... more
Started: April 29th 2011Replies: 0

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Pros And Cons Of Owner Financing
Mcsm Find out the possible advantages and disadvantages of an owner-financing arrangement for both the home seller and potential buyer. If you’re considering entering into an owner-financing arrangement for...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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How To Get A Refund On Your Airfare
Vacationsm Learn how to get a refund if your airline ticket drops in price, and how to find a cheap fare to begin with. You diligently compare airfare costs for your trip, scour online sites for deals, plan well in...
What is a Personal Reimbursement Assessment?
Bill As the mail comes, you sort through the envelopes and packages like you always do. Then you see one letter in particular, from your HOA. After opening it, you find an unpleasant financial statement page...
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