Brookhaven Square I and II

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Our newsletter

If you haven't received the latest month's newsletter, simply call a board member to request one be made available to you.  There is some very important information and some interesting items... more
Started: February 20th 2013Replies: 0

Community Swimming Pool

Is your pool open for open for business?  We can't waait to visit in mid-June and see our old friends. Best from our new home to yours. Jeff & Doreen more
Started: June 3rd 2011Replies: 0

Changes to this forum upcoming!

Text deleted by Website Moderator, Mon Mar 03 12:38:50 -0700 2008 more
Started: February 13th 2008Replies: 1

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Set Goals For Your HOA!
Goalsm With the New Year comes new opportunities and areas for improvement. Just as we make personal resolutions, now is the time to set goals for your homeowners association. It’s the start of a new year....
Cats and Dogs... A Manager's Tale
Dogscats_th There is an old saying that it's raining cats and dogs. Well, this saying (or so I'm told) came from days of yesteryear when roofs were made of straw and the steep angle required for good run-off brought the...
Tags: AssociationPets
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