Brooklyn Queens Land Trust

Our Information

Contact List

The persons listed here are the current members of the Brooklyn Queens Land Trust (BQLT)Board and/or Committee Chairs. They are charged with completing BQLT organizational tasks within their specific areas. The resource persons are to share their professional contact and skills to supplement the skill base brought from the member gardeners on the board. Together, they are to make decisions that will benefit and enhance the mission and purpose of the BQLT.

Board Chair & Resource Person: ShaKing Alston Resource Person
Brooklyn Queens Land Trust
Brooklyn NY 11216-1009

Vice Chair & Resource Person: Michael Hooper
Brooklyn Queens Land Trust Board
677 Lafayette Ave.
Brooklyn NY 11216-1009
Office: 1-718-963-7020
Fax: 1-718-963-7021

Board Secretary: Demetrice L. Mills
Office: 718 -963-7020
Fax: 718-963-7921

Board Treasurer: Carl Green
BQLT Board
677 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11216-1009
Office: 1-718-963-7020
Fax: 1-718-963-7021

Board Member & Resource Person: Eagle Isaac Mendes
6/15 Community Garden
677 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11216-1009
Office: 718-963-7020
Fax: 718-963-7021

Stephen Simmons Communications VP: Corresponding Sect.
John the Baptist Community Garde
677 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216-1009
Office: 718-963-7020
Fax: 718-963-7021

Board Member: Abdul Bey: Abdul Bey:
Brooklyn Queens Land Trust Board
677 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11216-1009
Office: 718-963-7020
Fax: 718 963-7021

Board Member: Mike Dimpfl:
BQLT Board Member
677 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216-1009
Office: 718 963-7020
Fax: 718 963-7021

Board Member: Brian Williams
BQLT Board
677 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11216-1009
Office: 718 963-7020
Fax: 718 963-7021

Boardmember: Mary Jones
Central Bainbridge Community Gdn
677 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11216-1009
Office: 718 963-7020
Fax: 718 963-7021

Irene Van Slyke: Bylaws Review Cmte
BQLT Board
677 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11216-1009
Office: 718-963-7020
Fax: 718-963-7021

Boardmember & Resource Person Agnes Greene
Brooklyn Queens Land Trust
677 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11216-1009
Office: 1718 963-7020
Fax: 718-963-7021

About Us

Brooklyn Queens Land Trust


Community Through Garden Gates

**** The winning BQLT logo will be posted soon. BQLT is working with other community nonprofit organizations to preserve the land and the gardens as resources. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, some material on this website is provided for comment, background information, research and/or educational purposes only, without permission from the copyright owner(s), under the ''fair use'' provisions of the federal copyright laws. These materials may not be distributed for other purposes without permission of the copyright owner(s).
We can be reached at: or ****

The BQLT Mission

1. Establish a community of gardeners in Brooklyn and Queens to:

  • Educate and inspire people of all ages to become successful and environmentally responsible gardeners;
  • Support community involvement in community gardening, and neighborhood beautification and open space enhancement through activities and programs; and
  • Promote the interests of community gardens.

3. Act as steward of the open space properties that it owns (including properties in Brooklyn and Queens purchased by or donated to it in the future) for the aforementioned purposes.

2. Preserve, support, manage and enhance community gardens, and areas of similar natural or recreational value such as neighborhood open spaces, greenways and playgrounds for the benefit of the general public; and

Welcome Cmty. Gardeners

''A Community garden is defined as a shared green space which is planned, designed, built and maintained by some community members for the use and enjoyment of the entire community. Community gardens may be solely used to raise food for gardeners and/or the surrounding community, a decorative formal garden, an educational or rehabilitative facility, but as hard as the gardeners work to create the garden, the creation and nuturing of community remains a community garden's central mission.''; and

The Board of Directors meet monthly and make decisions for the entire organization through committee(s) after discussion and fact-finding. In order to accomodate the needs of the majority, we need member gardeners to attend board or committee meetings voicing suggestions and concerns. Tell your garden rep your ideas and vote with your members. This is the growing season.

Coordinators: attend monthly meetings, share information with member gardeners, bring articles, history, pictures, or questions, stay in touch with your community leaders.

Gardeners, contact your garden representative or president.

People willing to research, type, take pictures, write, interview, or in any manner participate in putting out the newsletter or updating the website, Communications members. If you have information or suggestions, contact committee members: Ceci; Charles Barnes; Brothel Dean; Pat Ferrine: Dennis Gibson, Mollie or Yolanda Golden; Carl Green; Mary Jones; Virginia McDaugh; Delores Pemberton; Jesse Rogers; Ada Smothers; Thomas Walker; Emerson Atkins; Mitchell Still or BQLT Chairperson, Agnes E. Green, ex officio member of all BQLT committees. Contact:

E-mail your questions -; suggestions, or readiness to volunteer. A response will come as soon as possible.

Please be patient. Keep checking and watch our progress. Meanwhile, enjoy the articles included in our newsletter. It is revised several times during the week. If you missed reading an article that you were interested in, please check our ARTICLES ARCHIVE page. Most are stored there.

Garden events for BQLT member-gardens are listed on our calendar page In the newsletter, there's an article entitled ''GARDEN EVENTS'' that will show garden events throughout the Metro area and beyond. Please look there, also.

Practise earth-friendly organic gardening. Thank you for visiting. Make it a good day.

Legal Considerations

Reminder to 501(c)(3) Organizations
Concerning Political Activities

The Internal Revenue Code prohibits organizations that have tax exempt status under § 501(c)(3) from intervening in a political campaign and/or contributing to a political campaign or political party, whether at the federal, state or local level. This prohibition applies not only to making financial contributions, but also to publishing or distributing statements, holding events for a particular candidate or party, supporting political fundraisers, and advocating in favor of or in opposition to a candidate.

Organizations concerned about whether or not their activities may constitute prohibited political activity should consult Election Year Activities and the Prohibition on Political Campaign Intervention for Section 501(c)(3) Organizations, a publication of the Internal Revenue Service that is posted on the Internet at,,id=154712,00.html.

Chinese Proverb: The land is the host and humans merely guests.

''The right of citizens of the United States to use and enjoy air, water, wildlife, and other renewable resources determined by the Congress to be common property shall not be impaired, nor shall such use impair their availability for the use of future generations''.

As we walk this journey of life, on earth, our lives are touched and our hearts changed by fellow journeyers on the path.
-Walter Bresette, Red Cliff Chippewa, Anishinaabe gentleman.

Limitation of Liability

We are volunteers and only wish to share information related to gardening, health and nutrition. We try to insure that all information is accurate.
You assume all responsibility and risk for the use of this site and the internet generally. In no event shall BQLT or its affiliates be liable for any direct, special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever; including but not limited to loss of use, data, or profits, without regard to the form of any action, including but not limited to contract, negligence, or other tortuous actions, arising out of or in connection with the use, copying, or display of the content resulting from access to or use of this site, or the internet generally, under contract, tort or any other cause of action or legal theory.

Although BQLT believes the content to be accurate, complete, and current, BQLT makes no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the content. It is your responsibility to verify any information before relying on it. The content of this site may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. From time to time, changes are made to the content herein. BQLT may make changes in the products and/or the services described herein at any time.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, some material on this website is provided for comment, background information, research and/or educational purposes only, without permission from the copyright owner(s), under the ''fair use'' provisions of the federal copyright laws. These materials may not be distributed for other purposes without permission of the copyright owner(s).

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