Brooklyn Queens Land Trust

Contented Hart Garden

BQLT Pioneer Gwendolyn Hart Passed On February 8, 2006

Ms. Gwendolyn Hart passed away on Wednesday, february 8, 2006. Her funeral services will be held at St. Thomas Espicopal Church, 405 Bushwick Ave, between Cooper and Moffit. Travel instructions can be found on the calendar at the left.

Ms. Hart was a charter member of the Brooklyn Queens Land Trust and was considered a pioneer in many community organizations, but for the BQLT, she was right in the middle of the fray when fighting for community gardens, She was infuriated and joined the fight when Mayor Guilliani tried to bulldoze community gardens around the five boroughs. From the very first, she came to strategic planning meetings and was a member of the Steering Committee that resulted.

When the incorporators signed the organization into existance, her signature is on the line. Ms. Hart chose not to sit on the Board of Directors, preferring to let a younger garden member do the honors, but she remained active on various committees until her health made her slow down. She still attended board meetings when she was able and a particular concern was being discussed.

Ms. Hart served on:
Steering Committee from 1999- 2003
Parlilmentarian 2002-2003
Ad Hoc Nominations Committee composed of 11 BQLT garden representatives from Brooklyn and Queens that came together to choose, evaluate, and nominate the initial board of directors. 2002
Office Space Committee
Quite often, she'd ask that her name not be listed because she wasn't serving for the glory. She said she was serving because she felt it was what her community needed and she would do whatever she could to help her community.

Ms Hart came to communications, operations, and events committee meetings whenever she felt there was an issue that needed further discussion or research. She chaired the office space committee for one year.
After a year, her health prompted her to take a break from her duties with the land trust and focus on herself.

Ms. Hart was instrumental in getting the organization various meeting places through her contact with neighborhood organizations like her church, St. Thomas Episcopal Church and a nearby senior citizen's home's meeting room. She liked to make sure that the attendees had snacks to energize them through the discussions.

Ms. Hart served as our first Parlementarian and kept points of order intact. We miss her energy, her spirit, her quick mind, her knowledge and just her being there.

God speed, Ms. Hart. Personally, I'll miss the hugs, cheery greetings, and kisses upon entry to wherever she stood or sat.

As the Irish say, may you enter heaven's gates before the devil knows that you're dead. God speed, Ms. Hart.


Thus far, the Office space committee has been unable to find suitable quarters for the Brooklyn Queens Land Trust. The organization would ideally like to find a building that is centrally located between Brooklyn and Queens, so that member gardeners from each borough finds it easily accessible by public or private transportation. Since the organization only has $100,000 for start up costs, promotional events and publicity, the rental fees will have to fall at or under $1,000 a month.

WARNING From National Gardening Association/

WARNING From National Gardening Association/
Are YOU Prepared for Accidental Poisonings?
By Barbara Martin - Mid-Atlantic - June 12 to 26

In 2001, poison centers received more than 90,000 calls regarding exposure to pesticides -- more than half of them involving children under age six. Please keep gardening chemicals in their original labeled containers and under lock and key, safely out of the reach of children and pets. And keep this number posted by your phone: 1-800-222-1222. Go put it there now. This Poison Control Center Web site has good information:

¿Advertir de la Horticultura Nacional Assciation Es USTED Prepar?³ para Venenos Accidentales? Por Barbara Martin - mezcla de Brit?¡nico y
Norteamericano - junio 12 a 26, 2003

En 2001, el veneno centra recibido m?¡s de 90,000 llamadas con respecto a la exposici?³n a pesticidas -m?¡s que la mitad de ellos menor de edad de ni?±os que implica seis. Mantenga por favor sustancias qu?­micas de horticultura en su original contenedores marcados y cerrado con candado, seguramente fuera del alcance de ni?±os y animales favoritos. Y mantiene este n?ºmero anunciado por su tel?©fono: 1-800-222-1222. Vaya p?³ngalo all?­ ahora. Este Control del Veneno sitio web Central tiene informaci?³n buena:

el http: //

Safety In the Garden

Safety In the Garden

Protecting your garden from crime

Garden theft is on the increase all around the country but there are many preventative steps that can be taken.

Neighbourhood Watch

Contact the crime prevention officer at your local police station for information on Neighbourhood Watch schemes.

Physical barriers

Physical barriers such as a high fence, wall or boundary hedge are proven deterrents. Impenetrable hedges are the most effective, particularly these thorny varieties:


Add a trellis to the top of a fence or gate to create extra height.

Planning permission is needed for fencing over 2m (6.5ft) high or 1m (3.25ft) high if facing a public highway or amenity. If in doubt, check with your local planning office.


Secure the doors adequately and fix windows with specially designed locks.
Use a good quality lock where the screws that hold the lock in place are covered by a hasp or use clutch-headed screws that can't be taken out.
Alarms can also be used.

Gravel paths

Gravel used on paths by doors and windows create a noisy deterrent for intruders.

There are many different versions on the market but two types are especially good:
PIRs (passive infrared) have a main light with an infrared detector which senses any heat and movement within the area of its beams and switches the light on automatically.

High-pressure sodium security lights emit a warm, decorative light on the garden from dusk until dawn.

Expensive trees and ornaments

Earth anchoring systems allow expensive trees and shrubs, as well as permanent outdoor items like benches and ornaments, to be held very firmly in place. Steel wire is wrapped around the stem or a bench leg, while the anchor end is pushed into the ground with a steel pole. Once the anchor is deeply embedded, a sharp tug will wedge the anchor into the earth. These can be attached when planting and are impossible to dig out quickly.
Transmitter systems are available which involve attaching a transmitter on the statue base and then plugging a base station into a socket indoors. If the statue is moved, a loud siren sounds. And the transmitters work equally well with other items, such as pots and benches.

Gardening With Children

Always ensure children wear hats and suncreen in sunny weather to avoid sunstroke and burning. Children of color DO burn. Also make sure they drink water regularly if outside for a long time, to avoid dehydration. Avoid drinking iced tea or coffee, and sodas because many contain caffeine which causes dehydration.

Never let young children out of your sight if there is water around, whether it be a pond, lake or even a shallow paddling pool. Teach children to keep away from water features and wherever possible fence off the area or cover water with a steel mesh.

Teach children regularly to wash their hands correctly and thoroughly, using soap. Handwashing is a skill that is quickly forgotten, and soil can be dangerous stuff. Soil can carry tetanus, for example, as well as other microbes and parasites.

Don't let children eat dirt.

Wash fresh cuts well with cold running water or a antibacterial or antiseptic wound wash.

Cover cuts with bandages before gardening.

Check tetanus vaccinations records to be sure they are up to date.

Try to stop children from sucking thumbs or fingers, or biting nails while in the garden. Dirt or soil is easily trapped underneath. Wash hand thoroughly using soap and a nailbrush.

Collect up cat or dog mess before children dig in the ground. But be careful if you’re pregnant - either wear gloves or ask somebody else to do this for you; soil can become contaminated with a disease called toxoplasmosis, which is passed on through cat feces; and this can cause birth defects in the developing baby.

Most children enjoy getting messy, so provide appropriate clothing and footwear for them. Don't let them become cold outside, especially when using water.

Teach children the basic rules about which gardening tools they can touch and use and those which are dangerous to them. Err always on the side of caution. You do not have to buy them 'children's' gardening equipment, normal hand tools are fine - but it is a good motivator if they have their own set!

Watch out for:

heavy or sharp tools
adult tools which are too large and unwieldy for children
pointed tools, including rakes
electric tools such as hedge-trimmers, lawn mowers, strimmers

Always keep garden sheds locked; they can contain a range of unpleasant and dangerous chemicals. As an added safeguard, teach children not to touch any dangerous chemicals

Other dangers to watch out for:

poisonous plants, especially berries such as deadly nightshade

plants which can sting or burn the skin, like stinging nettles

plants with thorns or hooks, such as roses

leaves which can cut, for example, pampas grass


WARNING From National Gardening Association/
Are YOU Prepared for Accidental Poisonings?
By Barbara Martin - Mid-Atlantic - June 12 to 26

In 2001, poison centers received more than 90,000 calls regarding exposure to pesticides -- more than half of them involving children under age six. Please keep gardening chemicals in their original labeled containers and under lock and key, safely out of the reach of children and pets. And keep this number posted by your phone: 1-800-222-1222. Go put it there now. This Poison Control Center Web site has good information:

¿Advertir de la Horticultura Nacional Assciation Es USTED Prepar?³ para Venenos Accidentales? Por Barbara Martin - mezcla de Brit?¡nico y
Norteamericano - junio 12 a 26, 2003

En 2001, el veneno centra recibido m?¡s de 90,000 llamadas con respecto a la exposici?³n a pesticidas -m?¡s que la mitad de ellos menor de edad de ni?±os que implica seis. Mantenga por favor sustancias qu?­micas de horticultura en su original contenedores marcados y cerrado con candado, seguramente fuera del alcance de ni?±os y animales favoritos. Y mantiene este n?ºmero anunciado por su tel?©fono: 1-800-222-1222. Vaya p?³ngalo all?­ ahora. Este Control del Veneno sitio web Central tiene informaci?³n buena:

el http: //

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