Brooklyn Queens Land Trust

Grants Information

Policies and Guidelines

All applicant organizations or sponsoring agencies must be exempt from federal taxation under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501, in order to be eligible for funding (this includes most schools and non-profit organizations). CPF will only review proposals that are submitted using our online application form which is located under the heading "Application Process"


Promote understanding of environmental issues
Focus on hands-on involvement
Involve children and young adults 6-18 (elementary through high school)
Promote interaction and cooperation within the group
Help young people develop planning and problem solving skills
Include adult supervision
Commit to follow-up communication with the Foundation (specific requirements are explained once the grant has been awarded)

Restrictions on Giving
The Captain Planet Foundation reserves the right to earmark funding for specific budgetary items, and decline funding for budgetary items which are not consistent with Grant Guidelines. Generally, the range of grants awarded by the Foundation is $250 - $2,500*.

The Captain Planet Foundation does not make grants for:

The purchase of real estate
General operations expenses
Capital or building campaigns
T-shirts and other promotional items
Expensive equipment used by only a small number of children
Transportation costs
*organic gardens generally no more than $500; adopt-a-stream no more than $400

Contact Us
Captain Planet Foundation
One CNN Center, Suite 1090
Atlanta, GA 30303


Each year, 500 schools and community organizations with child-centered outdoor garden programs receive seeds, tools, garden products, and educational resources generously donated by companies in the lawn and garden industry. Selection criteria include leadership; need; sustainability; community support; innovation; and educational, environmental and/or social programming. Applications are available on this Web site and from our headquarters beginning in February of each year. The annual application deadline is November 1.

Write for details.

Westinghouse Charitable Giving Program

Organization: Westinghouse Electrical Company
Lynnann S. Reid
P.O. Box 355
Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0355

Areas of Support
Community . Charitable Giving . Areas of Support

Health and welfare grants support initiatives that improve the quality of life in the community and unique programs that benefit the disadvantaged, the young, the elderly, minorities, and people with disabilities.

Education grants support elementary, secondary, and high school programs that emphasize math and science. Consideration is also given to other relevant programs.

Civic and social grants support programs related to community economic development, environmental quality, and preservation and public safety.

Application Process
Community . Charitable Giving . Application Process

For a grant to be considered, the following information must be submitted to the Westinghouse Charitable Giving Program:

Verification of Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status
Mission statement of organization, if applicable
Purpose or objectives of the grant
Summary of the project
Amount requested and rationale
Schedule of implementation
Description of the benefits to be achieved and the population to be served
Plans for evaluating and reporting results
Financial analysis of the project
Person in charge of the project and qualifications
Names and affiliations of trustees or board of directors
Latest audited financial report
Requests for funding are accepted year round; please be sure proposals are clear and brief.

Individual grant amounts are up to a maximum of $5000. The Westinghouse Charitable Giving Advisory Board will contact the requesting organization if more information is needed.

Grant proposals are evaluated and awards are made on a quarterly basis. The Charitable Giving Advisory Board will notify applicants in writing of its final funding decision within six months from the initial submission date.

Please submit grant requests to:
Lynnann S. Reid
Westinghouse Charitable Giving Program
P.O. Box 355
Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0355


Featured Grants:

Captain Planet Foundation
Committed to supporting hands-on environmental projects for young people, the foundation provides grants from $250 to $2,500 to school and community groups. The next quarterly deadline is June 30, 2003. Visit

Westinghouse Charitable Giving
Community . Charitable Giving

Westinghouse actively contributes to programs that benefit nonprofit organizations. The Charitable Giving Program is Westinghouse's principal foundation for the company's social investments. Areas of emphasis for this program are health and welfare, education, and civic and social pursuits. Within each area, Westinghouse encourages programs that help to meet the needs of populations such as the disadvantaged, the young, the elderly, minorities, and people with disabilities.

The Captain Planet Foundation will fund as many projects as its annual resources allow. Please read the following guidelines thoroughly if you would like to seek funding from us. In order to maximize the impact of Foundation funds, the Board of Trustees limit their grant awards to those applications which comply with the following guidelines.

BQLT Member Gardens

If interested in any of the aforementioned grants, please email us. In some instances, the Steering Committee/Board of Directors will have to apply because the land trust has (or will have) 501c3, non profit status.

Read the guidelines carefully. Any deviation will cause you to be disqualified.

Email us

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