Brookwood Neighborhood Association

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storm shelters

I am wondering if there are any type of rules that we have to follow in order to put in a storm shelter in the Brookwood neighborhood.  more
Started: February 24th 2016Replies: 0


Started: May 21st 2012Replies: 1

BNA Phone Message System

More than 180 Brookwood residents received a phone message reminding them of the upcoming Neighborhood Garage Sale during the week of May 11. Tell us what you think about this service. Our hope is... more
Started: May 18th 2005Replies: 3

Brookwood Neighborhood Association Real Estate and Home Values

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Instant Home Value

$8,000 First Time Home Buyers Tax Credit
Tax_returnsm Who qualifies for the $8,000 first time homebuyers tax credit and the details of how first-time homebuyers can qualify for this unprecedented opportunity are the subjects of this article. The Tax Credit for...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Homeowners Insurance: Twelve Ways To Save
12ways The price you pay for your homeowners insurance can vary by hundreds of dollars, depending on the insurance company you buy your policy from. Here are some things to consider when buying homeowners insurance. ...
How to recruit good HOA board members
Boardmeeting Five tips to ensure your board never runs out of good members. Whether homeowners in your association are actively involved in your community or rarely show up for a meeting, it can be hard to find new board...
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