This Association is a partnership with Broward county and Broward Business Development Corporation. This Corporation is made up of landowners of the property and business owners that will be redeveloped. Broward Business Development Corporation will hold development rites to the land. This Corporation will obtain all capital and be responsible for the completion of each phase. Broward Business Management Corporation will assume responsibility for management once construction is complete.
The master plan for this redevelopment partnership is a considerable task. There for we must look at the entire masters plan with-in its boundaries. And then section it off into development phases. Each phase will be considered separately but always flowing the theme of the master plan.
A redeveloped advisory board has been assembled. This boards objective is identify uses that will benefit our community and to advise on all aspects of this redevelopment plan. The board is made up of commercial property and business owners and two representatives of all a jointing homeowners associations. This board well have direct assess to all Planers, Consultants, Engineers, Architects and County Staff. This board will be aggressive on designing development plans for each phase and be responsible for meeting dead lines.