The Board of Trustees shall consist of five (5) members in good standing, elected by the voting membership of The Association to consider the needs and desires of those members and to oversee and assist in the development of policies and activities that meet those needs and desires. They shall oversee all activities of the members of the Execustive Committee and shall monitor ALL The Association's expenditures, fund raisers, coorespondenent and ALL THINGS that pertain to the welfare of The Associaiton.
President: (acting) Rowena Ramona Henry
Vice-President: Ida Edmondson
Corresponding/Recording Secretary: Rowena Ramona Henry
Treasurer: Adrienna Ross
The name of this organization shall be The Brunswick Estates Civic Association, Inc. hereinafter referred to as The Association.
The principal location of The Association shall be in Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio.
The purpose of The Association shall be:
To foster a spirit of community cooperation, well-being and pride.
To inform this community's residents about issues that will affect the status-quo of the community.
To make an effort towards the development and maintenance of quality housing in this subdivision.
To attempt to resolve any environmental issues, physical or emotional, which might affect the health, safety or welfare of this community's residents.
To represent this community's best interests in any pertinent outside programs.
Membership shall be available to any property owners or resident homewoners within the boundaries of the subdivision of Brunswick Estates.
Membership precludes the used of any residence for activities that are in violation of the law and jeopardize the safety and peace of mind of the other residents of Brunswick Estates.
Membership shall include a willingness to subscribe to the purposes and regulation of this organization.
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