Buck Creek Village

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Welcome to Buck Creek Village!

Buck Creek Village is a community located just West of U.S. Hwy 37 directly off of Banta Rd. and just South of Indianapolis.  

This page was created as an effort to communicate with homeowners within our community on behalf of the Buck Creek Villages HOA Board. This site is intended to be 

a means for communication from the board on useful topics and discussions in regard to community and HOA related topics.  

Buck Creek Villages HOA Board consists of three Board Members who are home owner volunteers within the community.  The Boards main objective is to work with homeowners and the contracted management company to create a community in which is a pleasure to live within.  As a HOA managed community Buck Creek Village has certain common areas that are in direct supervision of the Buck Creek HOA board and Elite Property Management Services.  In addition, The board ensures that each home is within the covenants and restriction guidelines that we all agreed upon when puchasing a home within an HOA managed community.  

The Board shall use this site as a means to communicate useful information such as newsletters, yearly budgets, Town Hall Meetings, and HOA Board Meeting Minutes.  This site is also a useful avenue for homeowners to communicate to the board through alternate avenues.  Although, the Board strongly suggests that homeowners contact either Jesse Angel at Elite Property Management Services of Indiana or contacts the Board at their email address.

We look forward to the abilities that this free site will offer our community in strengthening communication between the Board and homeowners.  We ask that if matters of concern or comment deal with specific situations in regard to individual properties or persons that you please refrain from commenting on this site and take your concerns directly to the board or the management company at the included contact addresses.  This is purely out of respect and fairness to all who use this site.

Thank you, 

Buck Creek HOA Board

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Does this HOA is still working?    more
Started: August 30th 2024Replies: 0

Courtesy and concern

I am going to express a concern that I have been witnessing - I am a resident in Buck Creek Village and I speak with all my neighbors whether homeowners or renters.  The HOA member that everyone... more
Started: November 4th 2014Replies: 1

2011 Assessments due January 1st, 2011

The Buck Creek Village HOA Homeowner assessments are due on January 1st, 2011.  Invoices will be mailed by December to homeowners.  The assessment rate this year will be the same that it was... more
Started: October 30th 2010Replies: 0

Buck Creek Village Real Estate and Home Values

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Pros And Cons Of Owner Financing
Mcsm Find out the possible advantages and disadvantages of an owner-financing arrangement for both the home seller and potential buyer. If you’re considering entering into an owner-financing arrangement for...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Alternate Sources Of Financing For Your Small Business
Moneysm Where to go when the big banks say ‘no.’ You’re ready to begin your new small business or take your current business to a new level. You’ve done your research about small business...
Attracting Volunteers
Volunteeringthumb Maybe you've seen the T-shirts that say "Stop Me Before I Volunteer Again!" Those are the same people sit on the association board, are active in the soccer league, scouts, church committees, school functions, ...
Tags: AssociationService
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