Welcome to our neighborhood Burgwenando page! We are the neighbors of Burgundy Way, Gwen Dr. and Hernando St. There are approximatlt 57 homes on our tri-street area as well as one of the nicest parks in Sacramento County California. The goal of this page is to acitvely interact with each other in a possitive way to make our homes safer and our streets a wonderful place to live on.
Feel free post your information or questions. Please do not post your intentions to leave your home for any period of time, as this could be detremental to your safety. If, however, you want to organize your neighbors for a street bbq, this is the place. Also a good place to organize for anything! No phone numbers or street numbers with names should be shared on this site.
If you have a complaint with a specific neighbor, take it to them directly. This is not a forum for arguements.
You are encouraged to get to know your neighbors as this knowledge is our greatest strength.
Important Phone Numbers are:
Sheriff 911 (non-emergency 874 5115)
Marconi Sheriff sub-station 876 5700
Fire 911
Ambulance 911
Park Ranger 875 5000
Complaints of airplane noise 929 5411
Susan Peters Board of Supervisors 874-5471
Code Enforcement 874 6444