CA Association of Black Storytellers is a Not for Profit organization that is dedicated to the preservation of the culture and history of African and African Americans from slavery to freedom and beyond. We use storytelling and re-enactments to present Folktales, Narratives, Myths, and Legends, that encompasses the history and life of African and African American people.
Katye E. Ridgeway
702A Northfield Dr.
Sacramento CA 95833
Home: 916-923-1783
Fax: 916-922-7175
To use storytelling to promote, perserve and protect, African American history and culture in it's diversified forms.
To contribute to the cultural education of the community through the medium of storytelling and the enactment of African American historical characters and events.
To share historical stories with the community through personal enactment using costumes and other forms of presentations. These re-enactments will include Myths, Folklore, Folktales, Narratives and Legands