CFD 88-3 Community Committee

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Just about everyone that purchased their homes in our area were told by the builders that the Mello-Roos taxes would only last 20 years. Many of our original homeowners have paperwork from the builders that state that. But the City of Lake Elsinore are claiming that the taxes on the bonds have always been for 30 years! They are having these taxes go until the year 2020! Help us help you with fighting against this issue so we can save you THOUSANDS of dollars in non-approved Mello Roos taxes.

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Howdy:    I grew up in the area in the early sixtes and when I was a teenager I used to be among  the Riverside Armory regulars who would shake n' stomp to Dick Dale' & His... more
Started: November 30th 2018Replies: 0

make yourself count!

just recently i learned that the city of riverside lost a total of 70 million dollars, thats right 70 big ones folks. all because everyone did not get counted. i want to encourage eveyone to fill out... more
Started: March 7th 2000Replies: 1

Before Sept. 16th

I need nominations for the Good neighbor award and Riverside Neighborhood Pride Awards. More information under ''next meeting'' on home page. more
Started: August 20th 2002Replies: 0

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Features of Reverse Mortgage Loans
Housequestionthumb A reverse mortgage is special type of loan for senior homeowners that use a home's equity as collateral and you do not have to repay the loan as long as this home remains your principal residence. Because a...
Tags: MortgageHomeownerThriftyFinancial

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What is Binge Drinking?
Bingethumb Binge drinking is a common pattern of excessive alcohol use in the United States. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a...
Tags: HealthHomeownerStaff Pick
West Nile Threat - Prepare Your Neighborhood!
Stopmosquitoes The West Nile virus can be lethal. Most people who are infected will show mild to no symptoms, but a small percentage of people die with extreme symptoms. In 2015, 2,060 cases of West Nile were reported in the ...
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