Our annual meeting is scheduled for May 13, 2004 at 7 PM. Everyone is invited to get better acquainted, elect new officers, conduct other business and enjoy refreshments and win many door prizes that will be given away. The meeting will be held in the North Side Christian church at Greystone and 122nd st.
The spring newsletter will be printed soon and it will have more details that will be included in the May 7 meeting. This meeting is very important as it gives everyone the opportunity know what is happening in their neighborhood and to bring up suggestions and/or projects or problems that might be of benefit to our neighborhood and/or need to be corrected.
We are still behind in our dues for year 2004. If you have not paid your $25 dues, it would be appreciated if you would send them in to CENA at P.O. Box20134, Ok City, Ok. 73120.
The Board decided to pick out 3 houses at Christmas, 2003, that were worthy of recognition for an award. This was done and the awards will be announced at the annual meeting and cash prizes will be awarded to the winners. So come out as you may be a winner.
We hope to see you at the meeting on May 7.
Bill Buntz, Pres.
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