Cameron Station Civic Association

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Charles Chesnutt, a long-time resident of Hollin Hall, is in urgent need of a living kidney donor, Type A or O.  He is in end stage kidney failure, and has been approved at Medstar Georgetown... more
Started: August 23rd 2019Replies: 0

Assistance with OOma phone hook up

Does anyone have a good tech person that could help me hook up an Ooma phone system?  In Alexandria VA areas- open to having teenagers assist.  Not sure I have right cables, etc. ... more
Started: July 18th 2018Replies: 0

Fort Washington Amateur Radio Club

The Fort Washington Amateur Radio Club started on 10 September 2013 with 4 Amateur Radio Operators in Fort Washington. We are now at 17 members. We enjoy the hobby outdoors and in. We meet at the Fort... more
Started: November 19th 2014Replies: 0

Cameron Station Civic Association Real Estate and Home Values

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Should you refinance your home mortgage?
Housequestionsm Learn about the mortgage refinance process, if you qualify to refinance your home loan, and whether or not refinancing might benefit you. The recession may be over, but most Americans wouldn’t know it....

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Keeping Your HOA Safe
Safetysm Take these simple steps to help keep your homeowners association community safe and secure. You know the saying: the best defense is a good offense. The same applies to the safety and security of your...
If You Must Have An Audit
Auditthumb If you have been involved in community association management for any length of time, you have probably encountered a community that needs an audit. Audits can make people nervous. We all fear the dreaded "IRS ...
Tags: AssociationBoardFinancial
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