Canterbury Woods Homeowner's Association

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Canterbury Woods Homeowner's Association


Canterbury Woods is comprised of 114 homes in two distinct areas.

The most noticeable area is called the "lake side", which obviously centers around a huge lake. Most residents enjoy this lake year round by fishing, feeding the turtles and plentiful ducks and simply walking around it for exercise. The lake is visible from Fairfield Drive.

The second area is called the "front side" and the entrance to this area is just south of the lake side main entrance.

The entire neighborhood is divided into 10 districts. Each district is composed of 10-14 homes. There is one person who serves as a District Representative for each of the 10 districts.

The Canterbury Woods Homeowners Association (CWHA) is active. Meetings are typically scheduled for every other month. Every resident is encourage to attend the meetings which are held in the acting president's home. In order to serve in a board position, the resident must first be an acting district representative.

Special information

Newsletters are passed out to each resident following CWHA meetings. Neighborhood directories are also updated and passed to each resident every few years.

The neighborhood is well known in the area for its holiday luminary show on Christmas Eve. The CWHA also sponsors "Yard of the Month" throughout the year and "Best Decorated House" during the holiday season.

Annual Dues & Lake Fund

Annual dues cover the cost of the Gulf Power lights throughout the neighborhood and lawn service for the front entrance way. 2008-2009 dues were a minimal 55.00 per year. Dues are collected in June/July of each year by the District Representatives.

The water level of the lake is maintained through the use of a deep well pump. No drainage water flows into the lake. The electrical cost of the pump is covered by DONATIONS from residents. Keeping the lake filled is vital to the health of our neighborhood and property values.


About our association


Canterbury Woods Homeowner’s Association By-Laws

Article I: Name and Territorial Limits
Section I: The name and title of this organization shall be the Canterbury Wood’s Homeowner’s Association.
Section II: The territorial limits shall encompass the area defined in the restrictive covenants of Canterbury Woods, a subdivision of a portion of Section 19, Township 2, south Range 31 West, Escambia County, Florida.

Article II: Purpose
Section I: The purpose of this association shall be to improve the quality of living with the territorial limits of Canterbury Woods and of the surrounding community and to protect and improve property value. The association, acting as a single voice, shall also attempt to ensure that the due rights and privileges of its members as taxpayers and citizens of Escambia County are effectively protected.

Article III: Membership
Section I: Membership in the association shall be of three categories:
A: Residents (resident homeowner)
B: Associate (absentee homeowner)
C: Invited Associate (tenant ((non-voting member) ))
Section II: Membership rights
A: Only resident homeowners shall be entitled to hold office.
B: Homeowner members shall be entitled to one vote for the residence in which they hold interest. When more than one person holds an interest in said residence, the vote for the resident shall be exercised as they among themselves determine, but in no event shall more than one vote be cast with respect to the residence.
C: The rights of membership within the three categories are subject to the payment of annual dues approved by the Board of Directors.

Article IV: Organization
Section I: The organization shall consist of the Board of Directors and the membership at large.
Section II: The Board of Directors shall consist of ten members.
A: Each of the 10 districts of Canterbury woods shall choose its representative to the Board of directors.
B: If a district does not choose a representative, the remaining members of the Board of Directors shall secure a member at large to represent the district.
C: The Board of Directors shall elect its officers.
D: The officers shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
E: Officers and representatives shall serve without compensation.

Article V: Duties of Officers and the Board of Directors
Section I: President- The President shall preside at all meetings of the association and shall perform such other duties as are necessary and incident to the proper administration of the affairs of the association except such duties as are specifically delegated herein to other officers. He (President) shall be charged with the responsibility of assigning to various officers and directors the supervision of such committees as the Board of Directors may designate. He (Pres.) shall supervise the functioning of all officers, directors, and committees. He (Pres.) may appoint ad hoc committee as necessary. He (Pres.) shall be responsible for an annual audit to be reported at the first meeting of the Board of Directors after June 1st of the current year.
Section II: Vice President- The Vice President shall serve as assistant to the President in the administration of the affairs of the association, and shall perform such specific duties as may be assigned to him by the President. In absence of the President from meetings of the association, the Vice President shall preside.
Section III: Secretary- The Secretary shall attend meeting of the association and the Board of Directors and shall keep minutes thereof in suitable books. He (Sec.) shall send out notice of all meetings of the association and the Board of Directors. He (Sec.) shall perform all the usual duties incident to the office of Secretary. He (Sec.) shall maintain a list of members by categories.
Section IV: Treasurer- The Treasurer shall have custody of all monies of the association. He (Treas.) shall be responsible for collecting dues from the district representatives, for recording, and for depositing all monies of the association. He (Treas.) shall provide a detailed quarterly report of receipts, expenditures, and balances to the Board of Directors. Upon expiration of his (Treas.) term of office, he shall turn over to his successor all funds and the records of the association.
Section V: Board of Directors- The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the association and shall direct all business of the association. It shall have general control over all officers, representatives, and committees of the association and may, for good cause, declare any office or position vacant. Any appeal from a decision of a ruling of an officer may be made to the Board of Directors. The Board shall meet each month or as often as the Board shall deem necessary. The immediate past President shall serve for one year in an advisory capacity. He (President) shall vote only to break a tie vote.

Article VI: Term of Office
Section I: Officers shall serve for a period of one year commencing July 1st. Representatives shall serve for a period of one year commencing July 1st.
Section II: If an office becomes vacant during the year, the Board of Directors shall fill the office for the unexpired term.
Section III: Any officer or representative may immediately succeed himself. No person shall serve more than two successive terms in the same office.

Article VII: Meetings
Section I: Meetings of the general membership of the association shall be called by the Board of Directors as deemed necessary or upon 25% of the membership.

Article VIII: Quorum
Section I: The association quorum shall consist of 1/3 of the resident homeowner membership for the transaction of business.
Section II: A majority of the total membership of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Article IX: Committee
Section I: The President shall appoint the chairman for such committee as deemed necessary.
Section II: The President shall be ex officio member of all committees and as such, shall have all privileges of membership thereon.
Section III: Each committee shall transact such business as is delegated to it by the President or the Board of Directors. Unless otherwise directed by action of the Board of Directors, such committees shall not take action until a report is submitted to the Board of Directors and action is approved by the Board of Directors.

Article X: Amendments
Section I: Proposed amendments to the By-Laws may be presented at a meeting of the association membership and can be voted upon at the same meeting.
Section II: The By-Laws shall be amended by a 2/3 vote of the votes cast at an association meeting.

Article XI: Parliamentary Authority
Section I: The rules contained in Robert’s Rule of Order, Revised, shall govern the procedure of the association.

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