Cedar Point Neighbors

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drainage easements

I am looking at a home under construction in section 3 which has a drain pipe that comes from under the street draining onto the property (approx. 6' corregated drainage pip). There is no ditch, only... more
Started: August 23rd 2018Replies: 0

Any tennis instructors in Timberwood park?

Are you or do you know of a tennis instructor that lives in Timeberwood park? Doesn't actually have to be be TP proper, but close enough where we could have lessons at our tennis courts.  ... more
Started: December 31st 2014Replies: 0

Found dog!!

We found a small beagle looking dog tan/black/white on deer cross last night. He was cold and scared and would not leave my side. Please help is find his owner I know he is missed! He seems fairly old... more
Started: December 9th 2013Replies: 0

Cedar Point Neighbors Real Estate and Home Values

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How To Challenge Your Property Assessment
Moneyhousesm If your home value is dropping but your property taxes are not, you can appeal the assessed value of your home which may help lower your taxes. Property values are down, so why doesn’t your property tax ...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Retirement Planning: Tips for saving
Savingstipssm This is the third of a four-part article series meant to help you start planning for retirement.  This article provides tips on how to save for retirement. Start saving now Now that you’ve thought ...
Loans for HOAs and Condo Associations
Money Specialized loans to community associations, condo associations and HOAs are becoming more popular. Loans are a great alternative to over-assessing association members, because the association gets the funds...
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