I wanted to let the community know about a very disturbing event that happened earlier this morning.
On August 4th at 1:30 am a group of fifteen boys (4 vehicles) between the ages of 17-20 enaged in a fight in the Catlin Ct culdesac (adjacent to where the new playground construction).
Several of the boys proceeded to beat on one particular boy while yelling profanity at him; the boys who were not physically involved in the fight were videorecording the event on their cell phones and laughing. They also used the new concrete path to loiter around the new recreation facility lots.
I called SAPD but the boys saw the police when they were on Promintory Circle and left before the police arrived at the site. Several boys went to hide among the homes on Catlin Ct and returned to their
It was dark and I wasn't able to identify the exact make and model of the vehicles much less jot down the license plate numbers, but this is the information that I was able to get.
There were 15 boys (ages 17-20)
There were 4 vehicles: a late model Silver Chrysler, Red hatchback, black civic, blue/black small SUV l(possible license plate number 8MGN33)
If any of these vehicles sound familiar please discuss the situation with your sons. I am also concerned for the boy that was the victim.
This is NOT the first incident on this culdesac! Perhaps we need additional COP security/surveillance down this area.