911 - In case of emergency or life threatening situation
479-795-4431 (8 am to 5 pm) - Non-emergency number to Centerton Police. Use this number for suspicious activity, crimes that happened while you were away and the suspects are gone, or to give information.
479-273-5532 (5 pm to 8 am) - Connects you to the Benton County Sheriff's Department and is a non-emergency number to be used for suspicious activity, crimes that happened while you were away and the suspects are gone, or to give information.
This information being updated 2008
Chief of Police - Lance Johnson #701
Full Time Division
Sgt. Randy Clark # 703
Sgt. Jason Abbott # 704
Officer Cody Harper # 710
Officer Aaron Ingle # 712
Officer Tim Brasuell # 713
Officer Jim Johnson # 714
Officer Daryl Reed # 715
Officer Ron Yousey # 716
Officer Tina Haden # 717
Part Tim Division
Officer Chris Thompson # 720
Officer Ray Henson # 722
Terry Sanchez # 740
Direct number to Animal Control:
479- 795-0078