Chimney Springs

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I work at a hotel and I have feral cats

Good Morning all..   I saw where everyone was talking about the TNR program and I was not sure if that would apply to the two males at the hotel..    I have started feeding them .. yet... more
Started: May 29th 2023Replies: 0

is it true that in gwinnett recycle asphalt for a...

 I will like to know where i can find out if that is true o not who can help me    more
Started: January 29th 2020Replies: 0

Crime In Zone 3

Please Give Your Views As to Whether or Not You Feel Safe In Your Neighborhood and Things That You Think Can Be Improved To Make Our Neighborhood Safer. Thank You. All Items Will Be Kept Confidential... more
Started: March 7th 2007Replies: 12

Chimney Springs Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA 203K Loan
Disrepairhomesm The FHA 203K loan program is designed to help finance the rehabilitation and repair of  run-down properties. It has been utilized as a primary tool in revitalizing run down neighborhoods. What is the FHA ...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgage203K

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Diagnose And Fix A Wet Basement
Wetbasementsm A wet basement can harm your home, your possessions and sometimes your health. Learn how to determine the source of the water and keep it out of your house. Whether your basement is consistently damp or is...
How to Tame the Unruly Meeting
Tameunrulymeetingthumb Board members and managers alike can all recall meetings that left them with churning stomachs and scratching their heads afterwards, wondering how in the world things could have gotten so out of control. The...
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