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New State Fireworks Laws

Posted in: Garfield Park-South
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  • jfm574
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor

They do not care.  Believe me, when it comes to complaints about fireworks they turn there head on it.  I do not call them fireworks anymore.  I feel like I am in a war zone.

They are still lighting them up now. 159  Home Avenue, last nite and today.  Laws should change now!  I use to love the colors etc.  Now, it is only the bombs going off 24/7 and like right now.  I believe they are kids that are unsupervised.  But, adults act like kids too.  Come on ban the big loud ones, outlaw them also before a law suit is filed for someone being severly hurt by them.  Or even killed by them.  I believe 2 adults were killed by them last year or the year before.

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  • Snowp
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  • Indianapolis
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor
This is the first year Indiana has essentially allowed fireworks to be set off virtually anytime of the year from 9:00am to 11:00 pm. I for one think this ranks right up there with their Joel Silverman License Bureau overhaul and more recently the property tax debacle.

The state law allows local municipalities to enact local restrictions - Ft. Wayne has already done so.

I'd like to hear other's opinions on the new fireworks laws.

It began Memorial Day Weekend and has been incessant ever since. ONLY after researching to ensure I understood my rights I made the call via 311 at 1:19 A.M just this morning, the 6th of July and informed the IMPD operator at the other end of the line “I am under mental & physical duress after enduring 6 weeks of sleep deprivation with the incessant violation of the fireworks law that I see out my front door & hear within my home. I fully intend to become the squeaky wheel until it stops”. Ironically after disconnecting from the call and most assuredly before an officer in a patrol car had opportunity to make a “drive-by” there was not one firework sent up…it left me to wonder “is the perpetrator listening to a police scanner?”

This morning I reached out to a dear friend in my angst & it was she who enable me to find this website, specifically, this post. My Opinion on the fireworks law: ludicrous!

We live in a society, with no respect to geographical location, whereby gun-fire has thoroughly saturated our city, our neighborhoods: from Downtown Indianapolis to our suburbs, Greenwood to Greenfield. You can’t tell the difference between gun fire and fireworks, the perfect cover for crime of which we have too much as is.

As I sat bedside this morning after calling 311 I thought to myself this sounds like a war going on right outside my door in America. And it is a war, a war between logical thinking and what were they thinking…

I for one, cannot endure this emotional & mental assault that has been legalized by allowing fireworks year round. I work 5 days a week, my government doesn’t pay my mortgage, buy my groceries, provide me with free or at a discount medical care. While some would call me privileged, I consider myself blessed. Blessed with ol’ fashioned south side blue collar parents who weren’t perfect, but who knew enough to teach me the difference between right & wrong, consequences for my actions and if it’s going to be it’s up to me. The fireworks law that has been enacted is wrong, it is an assault on the citizens who do what they can, what they have to, to sustain themselves. The law MUST be repealed immediately, those who enacted it must be held accountable with consequences for their actions.

I can do my part, but I can’t do it alone. Our life’s matters too.


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