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Permanent loss of streets in area

Posted in: Garden City

FYI:  Despite many best efforts, Grande Avenue was vacated by the City of Indianapolis at the request of the Speedway Redevelopment Committee and Allison Transmission (now a foreign-owned company). Allison claimed it was to secure the plant site and protect the perimeter of the manufacturing plants which they admitted share no manufacturing processes, however, to date most gates of all parking lots remain wide open and unmanned. In addition, the proximity of Plant 12/14 (the only one where government contracted operations take place) remains within yards of the highly traveled 10th St. corridor and within only a few blocks of a potential high risk target (Marathon Oil) as well as a newly-expanded hazardous waste processing operation (Heritage Crystal Clean) at Holt Rd. which makes any threat much more severe than any possible explosive delivered near the plants via Grande Avenue.
Allison also claimed it needed better dock access for truck deliveries but a new sign erected in the ROW on Cossell Rd. directs ALL truck deliveries to a farther west gate.

The City ruled that Grande Avenue was nonessential. But those who found it a key connector to and from 16th St. beg to differ. The loss of the primary "2-turns" route to Methodist Hospital from points south alone is of great concern. The need for police, ambulances and fire trucks to find alternative, more crowded routes is extremely troubling for those who rely on quickest response time and may pay with their lives.

Nevertheless, the street is now closed.

At risk now is Georgetown Road from 16th to 25th Streets alongside the Indianapolis Motor Speedway which has purchased most of the residential property on the west side of the road. 
Georgetown Road is another key route on the westside which lacks a single through North-South  route capable of handling heavy and high traffic safely and expeditiously anywhere in Wayne township. Take a good look at a City map to see how the westside is punished by failure to provide direct routes across the area as opposed to the "poor us" eastside which has College, Rural-Keystone, Sherman, Arlington, Emerson, Post, Mitthoefer, etc. then look at White River Pkwy., Belmont, Tibbs, Lynhurst, High and Girls School, Country Club and Raceway. 

Did you know that before the west leg of 465 rebuild was begun (though this side of the beltway is the oldest portion at 40+ years and the heaviest traveled with a daytime population of over 166,000 a day between 10th and I-70) more than 90% of the cars that enter the west leg between 56th St. and I-70 also exit within the same length proving that drivers are using the interstate in lieu of adequate connecting north-south primary arterials? Where are our taxes being spent? Not on our side of town, apparently.

Furthermore, cutting off primary routes to commercial areas lying on the other side of the IMS compound will kill incentive to shop in close proximity to neighborhoods that already lack grocery, drug and other needed retail stores.

Those who doubt that Georgetown will really be lost or that it will not matter should begin now to act as if it is already closed. They will discover that trips that were once only slightly difficult due to the need to detour around many streets that ultimately come to an end, are slowed by school zones and slow speeds, parking and other obstructions along the way or fail to connect to where they want to go is now more difficult, frustrating, time-consuming and not worth the bother. Like many others who have given up and now drive a more direct route to farther points like Hendricks county, they will consider taking their money and business elsewhere as well. Economic health is at stake as well as our quality of life and the time to stop this plan--and strongly demand adequate street connections across the township in exchange for our hard earned and paid taxes--is NOW.
A plan to finally complete Holt Road as it was originally planned--as a connector between I-70 and I-65 north of 46th St --even if approved and eventually funded will take years to begin and finish and providing needed access.
Only with a vocal and fierce campaign of opposition to closing streets on the westside  will anyone in power listen to the facts and the truth. These plans may improve Speedway, though how is not clear or certain, but they will definitely harm everything and everyone around the Town in direct and indirect ways.Call your elected officials and tell them to stop these plans and to shift to getting us desperately needed thoroughfares so the westside can compete economically, immediately.

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