City of Fincastle

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City of Fincastle

The City of Fincastle is nestled in the east end of Louisville, between Westport Road and Highway 22.  This charming little place is close to many restaurants and shopping centers.  We are a Class 6 city with a legislative body composed of a Mayor, Attorney, Treasurer, Secretary and Commissioners. 

Fincastle was incorporated on January 25, 1974. The name Fincastle is a historical relic from the formation of Kentucky County, Virginia. This county was the precursor to the Commonwealth of Kentucky and was formed from Fincastle County, Virginia, in 1776. Fincastle County, Virginia was created in 1772 from Botetourt County, Virginia, at the time Botetourt County's boundaries extended all the way to the Mississippi River. Fincastle, Virginia is the county seat of Botetourt County, Virginia. Fincastle, Virginia was named for Lord Fincastle.


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Mailbox hit and run

My mailbox was hit yesterday evening at 8:00pm. The person was driving a dark SUV (maybe a Jeep) and was a young, white male. They hit the mailbox and did not stop. My neighbor saw it happen but did... more
Started: July 16th 2017Replies: 0

Parking ordinance on city street

How long have the signs been up about no parking on city streets? Could you explain the details? Is this just at night? Is it all streets including side streets? Many of us only have a 1 car driveway... more
Started: August 24th 2016Replies: 0

City Wide Yard Sale

The City of Fincastle is having its City Wide Yard Sale on Saturday June 7 2014. Residents are recommended to participate. Sorry for the late notice. There was a communication error on sending out... more
Started: June 1st 2014Replies: 0

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