Dear Friends,
Last season's record snowfall left many residents feeling helpless and frustrated over VDOT's snow removal efforts. This area was hit very hard, and I received countless phone calls asking for VDOT to remove snow from particular streets. This past March, I met with VDOT regarding the issue of snow removal in the area. As a result of this meeting, VDOT recognized and agreed that changes needed to be implemented for the next snow season.
Over the summer, I asked VDOT to identify the changes needed to implement improved snow removal services in our area. Last week, VDOT provided my office with details regarding these proposed improvements.
I have scheduled a meeting with VDOT's Northern Virginia office to 1) discuss these new changes, 2) notify them of additional "hot spots" and 3) answer any questions that you may have. This meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 15 at 6:30pm, weather permitting, at VDOT's Northern Virginia office located at 4975 Alliance Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030. Please be advised that if there is any snowfall within 48 hours of the meeting, VDOT will be forced to cancel this meeting to prepare for snow removal. I will notify you of cancellation if needed.
I am hopeful that the changes VDOT has made will work, and that snow removal in your area will be handled much better this coming season.
Please contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Also, if you are aware of any snow "hot spots" or areas where snow can be particularly tough to remove, please let me know.
Below is a fact sheet outlining the changes VDOT has made, and resources that can be used for the coming season.
VDOT Snow Removal Changes Fact Sheet
What's new?
Ø Early deployment to subdivision:Salt/sand trucks will be pre-positioned in subdivisions whenever the forecast calls for two or more inches. Previously, trucks were deployed to subdivisions once two inches had already fallen. Each subdivision will have at least one dedicated truck, with the intent of assigning the same driver to that subdivision throughout the winter. In difficult subdivisions there will be more than one truck.
Ø Additional equipment: There are 600 additional contractor trucks this winter, bringing the total to 2,600 available for snow and ice removal
Ø Dedicated fleet for Virginia State Police: During major storms and ice events, VDOT is providing a dozen contracted trucks to Virginia State Police. This will help ensure that State Police has trucks to assist with specific emergencies and that VDOT crews can remain focused on their assigned routes.
Ø Automatic Vehicle Locker (AVL) pilot program: Contractors are being offered a $1,000 bonus to equip their trucks with AVL, which will allow VDOT to track what streets have been plowed, when they were plowed and if they were plowed. As of November, nearly 400 trucks have AVL.
Ø Updated snowplow assignment maps:Each of the 650 snow maps in Northern Virginiahas been updated. These maps show hotspots, boundary lines, schools, police stations, hospitals and bus stops.
Ø Training: Additional snow plow simulator training has been provided.
Ø Budget: Last year's statewide budget was $93.7 million; more than $250 million was spent. This winter's statewide budget is $115 million. In Northern Virginia, last winter's budget was $27 million and $127 million was spent. This winter's budget is $33 million.
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