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18 wheeler parked at 1617 N. Sawtelle

For over a year now a big rig has freely parked on the lot at 1617 N. Sawtelle.  This has been reported to the city, but when the city worker showed up the rig was no longer there.  The... more
Started: December 3rd 2015Replies: 0

Home for Sale 3325 E Lee St.

Best Buy just east of Country Club & 4 blocks to Blenman elementary-Walk to Whole Foods-Remodeled and move in Ready home for sale. Stone fireplace, new ac/furnace, new windows, new concrete... more
Started: June 23rd 2015Replies: 0

National Crime Prevention Program Conducts Refuse...

  National Crime Prevention Program Conducts Refuse To Be A Victim Seminars    With Millions of Violent and Property Crimes Committed Annually   Safety experts agree the... more
Started: October 28th 2009Replies: 0

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FHA Refinance Loan Options and Guidelines
Fharefism There are two possible scenarios when considering an FHA refinance. Both of these scenarios are based on what kind of current loan you are trying to refinance. FHA Refinance First Step The first step in...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Owner Financing: How To Reduce Your Risk
Homeinhandsm Offering owner financing for the sale of your home can be a scary proposition, but there are ways to reduce your risk. Offering owner financing to a potential buyer of your home can provide you with an...
How to take good HOA board meeting minutes
Notes Meeting minutes are official records for your homeowners association. Learn what must be included and how to take good minutes. Your homeowners association (HOA) meeting minutes are a historical, and legal,...
Tags: AssociationBoardHOA
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