Country Side HOA


Posted in: Country Side
To Cheryl

I am not on the BCC. I am a Broomfield citizen and have been for many years. I have offered to use my full name if everyone else on this board agrees to do the same. If you want to believe Broomfield Anon., go ahead. But, I would caution you that this person makes up meanings for things and reaches conclusions based on his or her interpretation. This person has no real knowledge of the state's laws regarding elections and statewide ballot matters. Granted, the laws can be complex, but this is no excuse for Broomfield Anon. to say Broomfield was unethical. If this person understood the laws, he or she would have a better understanding of what was done and why. Instead, Broomfield Anon. interprets things to suit Broomfield Anon. If I were to tell you that the word "cat" did not apply to a small animal but meant a worldwide trade organization, you would say what? How did I reach that conclusion? Why would I reach that conclusion? These are the types of things that Broomfield Anon. does and continues to do. This person has no perception of reality. His or her statements clearly show this.

By John

Welcome to the board!! We have asked this question of John many times to no avail. I don't live in BF but I have friends that do and they are very concerned about BF future and where their money is going. Please John, just answer these questions, if you don't know the answer, then try and find out for us. Like I said before, if you cannot contribute anything then why are you here??

By Cheryl
John full of hot air

John has to be in Broomfield city government. Regular people do not defend the city like you do. Regular people do not dodge questions like you do. John only attacks people who ask good questions.

By Jim D.
To Jim D.

Thank you for your support. I do believe John is on the city council, also. If you have ever asked a city council person to explain actions; the answer is usually; why do you care.
As a resident of Broomfield, all actions of the city council have a direct affect on me; and, obviously these actions did break laws; and I doubt if I am the only BF resident that does not approve of these actions. The questions I ask are of importance to me; if John is not on the council; John would be forthcoming with the responses.
The council did not want the people to be involved in these actions; we as residents were not supposed to discover them. John knows the answers; John is simply angry that I have discovered them. So he calls me paranoid. There are three on the council who are known to treat residents this way; and these women are definitely rude. No, none of them are the newest woman on the council.
Again, I thank you; and if you have any of the resouces or people who have the resources, the answers are definitely important to me as a BF resident. I want to know how my money is abused; and why I have to pay a water increase while such abuse of city funds occurs.

By Br Anonymous
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