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New State Fireworks Laws

This is the first year Indiana has essentially allowed fireworks to be set off virtually anytime of the year from 9:00am to 11:00 pm. I for one think this ranks right up there with their Joel... more
Started: July 21st 2007Replies: 13

snow plow

Started: March 25th 2018Replies: 0


ther are people parking on the curved areas in the sherman commons that should not be aloud due to safety factors involed , one there are childern riding bikes and other toys that a person might not... more
Started: April 16th 2014Replies: 2

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Does Mortgage Aid Hurt Your Credit Score?
Home-in-lifesaversm Homeowners seeking mortgage help through loan modification programs such as HAMP and HAFA, may face another issue—lower credit scores. Loan Modification and Credit Scores Homeowners on the verge of...

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Rabid Animals In Your Neighborhood
Rabiddogbitethumb Rabies is a medical urgency not an emergency, but decisions must not be delayed. Any wounds should be immediately washed and medical attention from a health care professional should be sought for any trauma...
Tags: CommunitySafetyPetsStaff Pick
What Is The Value Of A Homeowner Association?
Austin_th Ever wondered why you have a homeowners association? Your association may be your best tool to protect the value of your home and the quality of your neighborhood. Community associations do any number of...
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