Cypress Point, Ocotillo

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SRP Power Poles Update

       The    Ocotillo Community Association      SRP    Update           ... more
Started: September 14th 2013Replies: 0

Community Yard Sale

Does anyone know when the Ocotillo Community Yard Sale is happening for this year.  I know it's in February but I am not sure what weekend...   more
Started: January 11th 2009Replies: 0

Destructive Children

My neighbor and I are owners in Montefino and have been for four years. This year we have seen an increase in young children destroying our neighborhood and the parents or responsible party do not do... more
Started: February 6th 2008Replies: 4

Cypress Point, Ocotillo Real Estate and Home Values

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Do You Qualify for an FHA Loan?
0403 FHA loans are the easiest type of real estate mortgage loan to qualify for. The FHA guidelines for loan qualification are the most flexible of all mortgage loans and require less than 5% down payment. FHA...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Debt Relief: How to guide to get help
Debtreliefsm There’s no easy way to get out of debt, but following these six steps can help you better manage your money and find debt relief. Let’s face it, Americans love to spend. Unfortunately, we often...
Tags: DebtStaff PickAssociation
5 Tips for Speaking in front of your HOA
Publicspeaking For homeowners and board members alike, a time may come when you have to speak publicly, whether in a board meeting or in front of the HOA. Get ready for such an occasion with these five tips.  1. Create ...
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