Del Amo HOA

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Mission, History AND PURPOSE


The mission of the Del Amo Homeowners Association (DAHA) to:

1. Facilitate and implement strategies and programs to enhance the safety, health and education of the members of the community;

2. Maintain the beautification of all property in the community, and

3. Ensure that property value in the area is kept in its highest and best use and value.

Del Amo Homeowners Association is a nonprofit mutual benefit corporation organized under the nonprofit mutual benefit Corporate Law. The corporation engages in lawful act and activity for which a corporation may be organized under such law.


In late 1963 a new development known as "Del Amo Highland Homes" commenced construction by a seveloper known as S & S Construction. In early 1965, the models located on Cashdan were completed, and by June 1965 most of the 850 homes were all sold.

The Del Amo Highlands Association was formed in 1964 as a result of concerns regarding property taxes, and the need for the residents to join togather to have a safe and wholesome community for their families. The Association began with home owners that had purchased homes in the area of Wilmington Avenue on the East, Cliveden Avenue on the West, Turmont Street on the South and 190th Street (now University Avenue on the North.

On August 5, 1981 the name of the association was changed to Del Amo Homeowners Association. The boundaries were extended to include the entire Del Amo area. DAHA continues to evolve in order to present a unified front in addressing problems in the area. This is because, what happrns in one part of the Del Amo area affects all parts of the community.


The specific purpose of this corporation is to have a body to represent the legitimate self interest of all homeowners and residents in the Del Amo area before any person, group or organization public or private and/or institution in any area of interest to us as homeowners and residents, to be aware, collect and disseminate data on any or all activities, changes, problems, facilities or any other matter in our community or the community at large; vital to ourselves as homeowners and residents. To invite, communicate with or make use of-as-needed any resource, person, group or organization public or private to discuss with any or all homeowners or residents any subject or matter vital to our interest as individuals or as a group or membership or "association."

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    Sidewalk Vending   Most sidewalk vending activities within the City limits are illegal. Exceptions include certain types of hot dog carts or for special events. Please call 311... more
Started: December 7th 2014Replies: 1

two woman watch a lady fall in the street but do...

Nearly every morning Jane takes a brisk 2.5 miles walk which loops through Dearborn Park. During her walk on Monday as Jane is stepping from the curb to cross Amestoy, she loses her footing and falls,... more
Started: July 20th 2021Replies: 0

Condo for Lease

  CONDO FOR RENT IN CASA GATEWAY!   One BR, One BA corner condo for rent in Casa Gateway  (which is a controlled rent complex for adults over 62 years of age) 501... more
Started: October 20th 2020Replies: 0

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