DSRCO is an umbrella organization uniting more than 40 Neighborhoods primarily within the area bounded by I-85 to the South & East, WT Harris Blvd to the North and I-77 to the West. But our membership also includes several neighborhoods outside that area including Back Creek II in the University Area.
For over 36 years, DSRCO has worked as an all volunteer community action group to keep this area a great place to live, to raise a family and to do business.
DSRCO Officers & Board Members meet and speak with City Council regularly about community issues. They have an good working relationship with CMPD, City-County Staffs, and other elected officials.
They paricipate on zoning and housing issues, business development, and other matters that affect the area in which we live.
Over the years, DSRCO has kept a high profile in the media and has earned both our credibility and reputation with local government and elected officials.
When we call with a need or a question, we get action and answers.
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