Detroit Waldorf School

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The fundamental ideal upon which Waldorf education rests is that it is the birthright of every child to develop his or her full human potential: to develop clear, creative thought and expression; blance and compassion in feeling, and conscience and initiative in action. We believe that educatjion is a process of ''bringing forth'' (from the Latin educare-to lead out), not merely putting in, and thus the Waldorf curriculum builds on the child's natural sense of wonder and love of learning. Waldorf education, to paraphrase W.B Yeats, is the lighting of a fire, not the fililng of a pail.

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No Pit Bull Ordinance

I had inquired in an earlier post if there was an ordinance against pit bulls in Wyandotte. One person thought there was, others didin't know, so I wrote the mayor. He responded to me that there is NO... more
Started: March 16th 2004Replies: 27

old Stores of W&.

Do you remember all the little mom and pop stores that use to be in the city, You had Kales market on eureka between 15th and 16th and around the corner from them was Joe Deere's party store, Old joe... more
Started: January 28th 2004Replies: 70

no parking in street rule sucks

I think everyone should re-think this ''no parking on the street'' rule. There is plenty of room for anyone that has an extra car or someone visiting that is staying more than one day. My son is... more
Started: September 19th 2007Replies: 5
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Resource Guide
Prepaid Credit Cards
CreditcardthumbThere are plenty of situations where a prepaid card might be the most convenient choice, but be sure you understand the terms
Colorado Relocation Guide
ColflagsmA guide to help you get through the process of relocating or moving to Colorado
Prepare Your Family For An Emergency...
ClipboardsmLearn what steps you can take to prepare yourself, your family and your home for an emergency situation.
Save Money with a Foreclosed R.E.O. - Real Estate Owned Property
Houseforsale120Buying a property owned by a bank, known as real estate owned, or R.E.O., has distinct benefits.

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